Title: The Universim
Trainer Name: WeMod
Platform: Steam
Version: April 2nd, 2024 Hotfix: Steam App ID: 352720. Build ID: 13940280
Features Not Working: Unlimited God Points. When you enable it, and then cast God Points, it causes the in game God point counter to "go crazy", show all sorts of numbers, then eventually causes a hard crash to desktop. Unsure if any other cheats are affected by the update.
Trainer Name: WeMod
Platform: Steam
Version: April 2nd, 2024 Hotfix: Steam App ID: 352720. Build ID: 13940280
Features Not Working: Unlimited God Points. When you enable it, and then cast God Points, it causes the in game God point counter to "go crazy", show all sorts of numbers, then eventually causes a hard crash to desktop. Unsure if any other cheats are affected by the update.