Trainer Search


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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we basically need the following: a cheat that give us god mode WITHOUT the damn 1 hit kill that eventually must be selected SEPARATELY , because currently it is put there as some sort penalty for using invincibility , and then , one of the following , something that allow us to insert all at once the cheat passwords that we want to use , or , something that allow us to insert all the cheat passwords at once every time that the mission start , for the rest the cheat passwords are pretty much complete


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Cheat codes

Within Warcraft 3 game you may use cheat codes. Those are available only in single player mode, as they would set you to the unfair position would you use it against another player. There are in total 24 cheat codes, that will easily knock your enemies and give you a win. Those cheat codes for Warcraft 3 you can use after simply writing them into the chat window, which reveals itself by pressing an enter button, by which you then also confirm the code.

When the cod is successfully accepted, the game says „Cheat Enabled!“, and if you repeat the code, to turn the ability down (if its possible), the game says „Cheat Disabled“. In the following table, you may find the cheat codes for the game Warcraft 3 Reforged.

The CodeGame Effect
leafittomeGives you 500 lumber.
leafittome XXXXGives you XXXX lumber, to the game cold cap. Yes, there is a cap.
keysersozeGives you 500 gold.
keysersoze XXXXGives you XXXX gold.
greedisgoodGives you 500 gold and 500 lumber.
greedisgood XXXXGives you XXXX gold and XXXX lumber, again, up to the gold cap.
IseedeadpeopleReveals the whole map, showing all creeps including enemies.
thereisnospoonGives your troops infinite mana.
whosyourdaddyMakes your units invincible and able instantly kill enemies. Kinda.
allyourbasearebelongtousInstantly wins the mission.
somebodysetupusthebombMakes you lose instantly.
riseandshineSets the time to dawn (6hrs)
lightsoutSets the ingame time to evening (18hrs)
daylightsavings [hour]Sets the ingame time to the hour specified.
daylightsavingsFreezes/unfreezes the clock.
warptenSpeeds up the construction of buildings and units. And also of research.
pointbreakTroops are no more limited by the amount of food you have and you can build slightly over total food limit if you give the order to create troops, before you were are the actual limit.
strengthandhonorYou can’t lose.
whoisjohngaltFast research
iocainepowderMakes you die slightly faster.
itvexesmeMakes you unable to win.
sharpandshinyUpgrades everything by 1 level. So use it 3 times and you are fully upgraded.
synergyDisables the tech tree, and you can build units you should not have been able to yet.
motherland RACE LEVELSelects a level, such as “”motherland orc 04” instantly gives you 4th orc mission.
are you just trolling us or you really are that stupid?? we ******* know about those already , why the **** you think we are asking for a trainer for ? it is because those official cheats have something that doesn't quite work as we need , for example: the ******* code for immortality code , the immortality work perfectly , but , it have that ******* one-hit kill shit that represent the problem , with a trainer , we can get an immortality code that solve this problem , for **** sake , some common sense please


New Member
Dec 10, 2024
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are you just trolling us or you really are that stupid?? we ******* know about those already , why the **** you think we are asking for a trainer for ? it is because those official cheats have something that doesn't quite work as we need , for example: the ******* code for immortality code , the immortality work perfectly , but , it have that ******* one-hit kill shit that represent the problem , with a trainer , we can get an immortality code that solve this problem , for **** sake , some common sense please