If you're offended by course language, don't use the trainer. MAF is entitled to say what he wishes when folks take his trainer...his intellectual property.
If you're children are so over sensitive that they can't handle a little bit of course language, I suggest you don't let them play videogames/watch movies/listen to music or watch TV.
They are just words that express emotion and is justified. If you're offense is based on some religious ideal, well, this is not a religious site.
And btw, if you're children are old enough to play videogames, I assure you, they already know those course language words. They do swear at school amoung their friends, you realize.
Lets not try and impose individual notions of morality on someone. Don't like it, don't use it.
Don't like a movie that has nudity/sexuality/coarse language then don't watch it.
Over-sensitivity does not go over well when it comes to videogames and or the internet.
My 10 year old nephew knows all the 'bad' words but knows enough not swear at his parents/teachers/me/etc
If anything, children need to be taught self control...just like the people of my generation were (I'm 37).