First Upgrade or Start crafting something then press F9 while crafting/upgrading is in progress then it should activate and instant craft/upgradeOnly F9 (not sure if was this one) doesn't work for me. The rest just work fine.
And it's true, disable them before close the game or it will crash.
Doesn't work with the GoG version
It used to work in the older updates. i havent tried the v1.0 update trainer but i do knnow that in the alpha v8.0 the integrity still does go down during gameplay whether the cheat is on or off. But it does however speed up the fixing process but doess not speed up the time that it takes to fix it. Not sure if that helped or if you just couldnt understandCan someone explain Inf.Integrity option is this working or this option confuses me, is it not supose to make all things were we dont have to repair it?
New trainer added for 64bit builds of the game , If your game runs from C:\GOG Games\Sheltered\Windows64 then use the 64bit trainer , If you running the game from C:\GOG Games\Sheltered\Windows32 then use the previous 32bit trainer .Is this trainer compatible with GOG version?
NVM got it workingcan some body help me im using 64bit 1.0 Trainer but non of them or active when i press the button![]()
Nope , In Sheltered it will only allow you to craft stuff in an instant ,I may look into expanding the cheat later though .Is the fast craft option the same as in subnautica, because when you activate fast craft in subnautica, you don't need any items anymore, but in sheltered still need items to make
Well there's the retail Version but still i update itDoesnt seem to work
Nope , In Sheltered it will only allow you to craft stuff in an instant ,I may look into expanding the cheat later though .