Thanks for the reply, and I totally see what you mean. Personally I've always hated PVP in dark souls, and I usually just run off a cliff or die to a monster instead of having to fight people if I get invaded, the reason why I wanted to know, is that I want to make a new character with the same stats as my legit one and with the same soul memory lvl 130 something with about 2m SM ( i grind a lot) and don't want do do it all over again because I was stupid and released that mage and can't access forbidden sun. I play a lot of PVE with my friends and I probably did all the bosses in coop, but if I have to make a new character to get he spell they'll have to wait weeks for me to catch up because we're at nashandra? and are soon to go NG+ after we've searched every corner of the map for extra bosses and hidden items/areas.
Hope you understand, but if It's not possible to take this little shortcut, I'll just have to live without forbidden sun or ask my friends kindly to wait

Anyway, nice trainer and it seems like you did an awesome job with the features it has ^^
Kind Regards
¨~ Wonton Freak