trainer request

  1. Cronos123

    Death Coming Trainer

    Name: Death Coming Store page: Cheats i want: No police (angels), kill all people instantly
  2. Kleiner_Pro

    MONMUSU Trainer request.

    Title: MONMUSU Store Link: Cheats: Infinite Gold, Infinite Magic Power, Infinite Crystals, No cooldown (summoning and ability)
  3. Kleiner_Pro

    MONMUSU Trainer

    Title: MONMUSU Store Link: Cheats: Infinite Coins, Infinite Magic Power, Infinite Crystals, No cooldown (summoning)
  4. Prism_Editing

    [REQ] Cliff Empire Trainer.

    Steam: Price: 9.68 NZD Currently on sale Original price is 11.39 NZD. Infinite Resources Infinite Money Infinite Food Fast Construction Add Population Increase City Prestige
  5. MastaDE

    [REQ] Welcome to the Game 2 Trainer

    Please make a Welcome to the Game 2 Trainer Requested Cheats for the Game: - DOS Coin Cheat and more Link to the Game on Steam : - MastaDE
  6. M

    Trainer for Farm Together

    I would like Mega xp No fuel needed Insta crow speed Money cheat Resources cheat Maybe speed time up Weather control If anyone can think of something more type it below! :) have a good day!
  7. Aistral

    Trainer for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

    Really awesome old game, would be amazing to have the ability to increase levels, or gold for that matter (it's a pain to get normally LOL) and also would be nice to have an item editor and Skill point editor <3 <3 if you could please make a trainer for this game it'd be awesome
  8. Guber

    Titan Quest Ragnarok

    Hi Can you awesome fellow(s) make a trainer for the "new" expansion for Titan Quest? Or perhas your current trainer for Titan Quest works for the expansion? It just seems like such a huge expansion with so many new things, items and quests to it, that I wonder if your current trainer will...
  9. Kielec


    Hi! I really would love i My sims Trainer! Can you do that? :D Here's a list of things that would be cool: Something like creative mode. A menu where we get like 999 of the item we want. Unlock all the tools and stars. I won't say unlock furniture or clothing. That would ruin the fun of the...
  10. Corocodilo

    [REQ]: Dungeon Defenders 2 Trainer

    Suggestions: Infinite Mana & Build Mana Inifnite HP 1 Hit K.O Increase DPS Instantly Kills all Mobs of the wave Thank you !
  11. Fkrushsykes

    No King no Kingdom Price: 17.49 Singleplayer game Content: 1) 500 resource EA [number does not go up or down] 2) Instant Build I was shocked to see none else posted about this game but if by some chance i did miss it feel free to delete this thread/topic/request or w/e
  12. Junkie

    [REQ] Call of Duty WWII - Campaign

    Platform: Steam Price: £49.99 or £79.99 Possible Features: Inf.Health Inf.Ammo No Reload Inf.Grenades
  13. Will Behn

    Call of Duty WWII Single Player Would love to see a single player trainer for this game. Unlimited Health Unlimited Ammo
  14. Member5544

    Heat Signature

    It would be rather cool to get a trainer for this one! Thanks in advance!
  15. C

    Cook Serve Delicious 2

    Can we have a similar trainer to the first CSD if its possible? Thanks
  16. testowygracz10

    FEZ (REQ)

    Can you make trainer for FEZ 1.12? NUMPAD1 -super jumps NUMPAD2 -unlimited cubes NUMPAD3 -unlimited keys NUMPAD4 -entrance door NUMPAD0 -levitation NUMPAD + -teleportation NUMPAD- -undo teleport NUMPAD. -save game state HOME – only scams
  17. MrDrago0328

    [REQ] Bio Inc. Redemption

    Bio Inc. Redemption Link: Price: 12,99€ Cheats: Infinite Bio Points (Optional) Something about patient's health I will be happy if you do it. :)
  18. jorjii140803

    [REQ] The Escapists 2

    Hello MAF. The Escapists 2 will be released on the 22nd of August (I think so) and i hope you will make a trainer for it! If possible can you make it useable in coop/Multiplayer when it comes out? Steam Page : Price (Pre-Order) : 20Euros...
  19. R

    [REQ] Kingdoms and Castles

    Steam link: Price: $10.99 CAD Hello, I was hoping we could get a Kingdoms and Castles trainer going? I've been playing a lot of it recently and think it would be fun to test with a trainer. I hope you aren't to bothered by the...
  20. Bioreign

    Your Doodles Are Bugged

    Yeah, I know... it was all in all a minor release and isn't even buyable on Steam anymore. But either way it's fun. It's enjoyable relaxing, meditative gameplay, though with a low chance of carpal tunnel syndrome. BUT, after playthrough you unlock Freestyle-mode, which is ... Paint, more or...