Trainer Search


New Member
Oct 6, 2018
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all of these trainers are perfect but I want to know when/if there will be a version 1.2.10 some point or will you wait for 1.2.11 to be ahead of the updates


Active Member
Jun 3, 2016
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lunar update. game version
1.2.9 trainer:
health(don't care about anyway, but) still loops fall damage sound, but does give you immortality.
oxygen works
energy does not work
bytes unknown

STEAM version btw..


New Member
Oct 20, 2018
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Health = Works
Suits Energy =Dose not work
Suits Oxygem = works
Bytes = works

order to bytes, ( did work for me ) I start it then buy somthing off the tablet, and the gave me 999999 bytes. so this should work.


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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A new trainer is available! Download it now from WeMod

If you already have WeMod installed, search for the game in the app.

  • Easy Suit Craft cheat added
  • Fixed Bytes Cheat
  • Fixed Health Cheat
  • Improved Oxygen cheat

very angry

New Member
Sep 22, 2019
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Wemod is far too expensive, too bloated, quite annoying and therefore absolutly not recommended. The only thing Wemod does is to squeeze a lot of money out of the user. And that for comparably little power. This is pure rip-offs. I would understand it if I paid a minimal one-time fee for a trainer. But I do not rent the whole bakery, if I want a roll. And here I have to am about to complete a subscription ... In Germany, one calls this door pusher. Dismissed convicts, which old people to force overpriced newspaper subscriptions.

Wemod ist viel zu teuer, zu aufgebläht, ziemlich nervig und deshalb auch nicht zu empfehlen. Das Einzige, was Wemod will, ist viel Geld aus dem Nutzer herauszupressen. Und das für vergleichbar wenig Leistung. Das sind reine Abzocker. Ich würde es verstehen, wenn ich einen minimalen einmaligen Beitrag für einen Trainer bezahlen würde. Aber ich miete ja auch nicht den ganzen Bäcker, wenn ich ein Brötchen möchte. Und hier soll ich gleich auch noch ein Abo abschließen... In Deutschland nennt man das Drückerkolonnen. Entlassene Sträflinge, die alten Menschen überteuerte Zeitungsabos aufzwingen.
Last edited:


New Member
May 23, 2015
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I have no idea if this is because System Era released a new version or if it's just a minor bug with the trainer, but when using this trainer the "infinite oxygen" cheat screws with things that it probably shouldn't be touching, such as all the printers and the ability to drop power extenders either from the two top slots of the player's inventory or even from the ground (via the "hold button to use" function). Also, I don't even know which cheat caused this, but the smelter won't produce anything but copper regardless of what is put on it, it doesn't consume ore, and once it starts producing it will never stop unless repackaged (it still turns off, but it will produce copper when turned on even with nothing in the input slots).

I haven't tried loading up the world without cheats temporarily yet, but that's my next step; hopefully I'll be able to get some of the resources I need by doing that.


Wemod is far too expensive, too bloated, quite annoying and therefore absolutly not recommended. The only thing Wemod does is to squeeze a lot of money out of the user. And that for comparably little power. This is pure rip-offs. I would understand it if I paid a minimal one-time fee for a trainer. But I do not rent the whole bakery, if I want a roll. And here I have to am about to complete a subscription ... In Germany, one calls this door pusher. Dismissed convicts, which old people to force overpriced newspaper subscriptions.

I'm using it just fine without paying for a subscription. Then again, I've only been using it for a day...