Trainer Search


Jun 17, 2014
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I just wanted to comment to say that everything is still working fine for me in 1.04, completely disregard the above info post saying that infinite stamina and health flags your save. You are fine as long as you ensure that you've properly deactivated everything before you exit the game. I tested it myself using a family shared alt account. If you're unsure, I recommend that you make a backup of your save just to be safe. I have been using this trainer since launch day and Haven't gotten a single invalid data message.
MIght be a dumb question, sorry. How to make a family shared account on Steam? Do I need to create a second, dummy account?

Also, would I need to reinstall the game with that account?
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New Member
Mar 11, 2016
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how can i set to infinite the Titanite Shard and the Large Titanite Shard and more of other upgrade item ?


New Member
May 30, 2014
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plz mr antifun you are my only salvation, in Dark souls 3 i messed up
i need a convenanat rank modifier or Gestures unlocker because i maxed giving pale tongues to Rosaria and finished the game without getting proper bow gesture and now yellowfinger summon won't appear in my second play-through nor will he in any playthrough

hope u add one of those 2 features in your trainer


New Member
Feb 2, 2015
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Anyone else having this problem? I can't run the game in offline mode.


New Member
Sep 18, 2015
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Did you delete that character? if not did you get soft banned? on top of that you literally gave your self no souls or items? Strictly inf health,stam, and fp?
apparently using inf health, stamina, and fp offline also results in ban :/ i did not add any items and only used inf health, stamina, and fp


New Member
Jun 21, 2015
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I just wanted to comment to say that everything is still working fine for me in 1.04, completely disregard the above info post saying that infinite stamina and health flags your save. You are fine as long as you ensure that you've properly deactivated everything before you exit the game. I tested it myself using a family shared alt account. If you're unsure, I recommend that you make a backup of your save just to be safe. I have been using this trainer since launch day and Haven't gotten a single invalid data message.
Well when i used all the options i got invalide data for some reason and when i didn't used infinite health/stamina/fp stuff it was okay. Also it works for me as well i suppose the ones that gets the massage are doing something wrong, don't know what tho


New Member
Sep 5, 2014
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@To people who think i did something wrong

I have been using the trainer since launch and had no problems multiplying items or speeding up farming, by giving myself 99 Luck or Change my Move speed. I have given myself Souls in the early days, but i long stopped that, before the update. Never had issues. Now after the last update, all i did was change 2 Raw Gems into 99 Gems (stored into your box) and change 2 Heavy Gems into 99 (same method). All was done offline. After "cheats" had been applied i went back online. Also i did this in firelink shrine, to be safe. Also whenever i was done farming, i reverted all stats back to normal (11 luck, no movespeed hack, etc) and all refine items were in storage (never above 99). Think twice before you think people ****** up lol

The GAME does detect edits now.

I deleted my save now and started the game new. Apparently its an ACCOUNT WARNING/SOFT BAN. Even with a complete clean new savefile, you still get the this warning message and the only way of getting rid of it, is to contact Namco Customer Support. Its up to them now. My wifes account is completey fine (havent used any trainer on her account, wont risk it until a proper anti cheat check is in place.)


New Member
Feb 13, 2015
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@To people who think i did something wrong

I have been using the trainer since launch and had no problems multiplying items or speeding up farming, by giving myself 99 Luck or Change my Move speed. I have given myself Souls in the early days, but i long stopped that, before the update. Never had issues. Now after the last update, all i did was change 2 Raw Gems into 99 Gems (stored into your box) and change 2 Heavy Gems into 99 (same method). All was done offline. After "cheats" had been applied i went back online. Also i did this in firelink shrine, to be safe. Also whenever i was done farming, i reverted all stats back to normal (11 luck, no movespeed ****, etc) and all refine items were in storage (never above 99). Think twice before you think people ****** up lol

The GAME does detect edits now.

I deleted my save now and started the game new. Apparently its an ACCOUNT WARNING/SOFT BAN. Even with a complete clean new savefile, you still get the this warning message and the only way of getting rid of it, is to contact Namco Customer Support. Its up to them now. My wifes account is completey fine (havent used any trainer on her account, wont risk it until a proper anti cheat check is in place.)

its not a new check. its just a warning that anyone can get flagged with. theres been quite a few people stress testing to get the warning to trigger and no one knows what actually triggers it. been a problem since the 1.03.1 update


New Member
Jun 21, 2015
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@To people who think i did something wrong

I have been using the trainer since launch and had no problems multiplying items or speeding up farming, by giving myself 99 Luck or Change my Move speed. I have given myself Souls in the early days, but i long stopped that, before the update. Never had issues. Now after the last update, all i did was change 2 Raw Gems into 99 Gems (stored into your box) and change 2 Heavy Gems into 99 (same method). All was done offline. After "cheats" had been applied i went back online. Also i did this in firelink shrine, to be safe. Also whenever i was done farming, i reverted all stats back to normal (11 luck, no movespeed ****, etc) and all refine items were in storage (never above 99). Think twice before you think people ****** up lol

The GAME does detect edits now.

I deleted my save now and started the game new. Apparently its an ACCOUNT WARNING/SOFT BAN. Even with a complete clean new savefile, you still get the this warning message and the only way of getting rid of it, is to contact Namco Customer Support. Its up to them now. My wifes account is completey fine (havent used any trainer on her account, wont risk it until a proper anti cheat check is in place.)

There was a maintenance maybe that is why you got detected i don't know it seems random...maybe it is about game prograssion. I always kill dancer of the valley, consumed king and the dragonslayer armour from the start and with that i guess the game thinks i am ahead in the game prograssion so it thinks having this much items is normal, that is just a guess tho


Master Donor
Dec 31, 2014
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oh and deleting your characters wont stop the invalid data. nothing will. from randomly flag you and ban you, and theres nothing you can do. so get your rocks off doing as much unfair PvP as you want until you get softbanned.
from are ******* retarded.


Super Donor
Apr 13, 2016
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Sense I made a new Family shared account I have used Inf health,FP,and Stamina on top of giving myself about 2 mill souls and I have not seen any messages yet on my account when going online. I have farmed for materials and have not edited any of my player stats.
I read a few messages of people never getting a message and still getting a soft ban but I honestly don't think i'm flagged yet.


New Member
Apr 23, 2016
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Trainer does not work,it keeps saying the game is on when its not
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Jun 18, 2014
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Trainer works fine. You are just doing it wrong. Re-download, make sure to check 'run as administrator' in the trainers security options in its properties and activate AFTER you run the game. enable with F1 and then activate which options you want on.

Easy easy. no body should be over complicating.

Still would like to see that old item editor tool that the DaS1+2 trainers had though MAF. ;p


New Member
Jun 8, 2014
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I want to use this to get 30 concord (currently at 10) it takes way too long to farm, is it possible to be banned if I do this offline then continue to play online without the trainer?


Honorary Member
Master Donor
Jun 5, 2014
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and how can i make it to anticheat stay disable?
I just said they removed the Anti-cheats no need to disable them if there aren't any.

I still see this in the notice:

  • First activate trainer then activate disable anticheats then activate whatever cheats you want
it should be bind to F2 anyways so make sure the latest trainer you using does include disable anti-cheat feature just incase.


New Member
Mar 2, 2016
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tried it program freeaes when i hit f2 for disable anticheats, not work help