first thank you for trainer MrAntiFun.

V.1.024 for me Inf.Health , Inf.Energy and Inf.Coins work fine. Mega Tech Points Drop not working (i do everything how video show) , Easy Craft / Easy Quests work when i start new game, but when i exit game and load save and try again it not working but when i start again new game work fine again.
EDIT 1 : funny now i start new game again ( Mega Tech Points Drop not working ) but now i have problem with Easy Craft / Easy Quests i do like is show in video and press F5 cheat activated (F5 get red) but i cant not build nothing around house or fix graveyard around church but i can repair grave where is broken house and i can clear path in basement and fix bridge.

and again i exit game load game but now as before cheat Easy Craft / Easy Quests not activated when i press F5 ( F5 not get red) Please HELP MrAntiFun i dont now is a problem with trainer or on my end?!

and i forget avast delete trainer and say is a virus but i know is NOT so i deactivate avast and then run trainer.