Question: Do I need to be offline to use this? >_> Just worried about something with Konami if I cheat while Online just to use for MGP and Resources
I used it. Not in Metal Gear Online, but in connected single player. It's been a week. Nothing has happened.
I have a defense level of over 5 million. Weekly leagues happen automatically, don't they?
Can we get a remove resources option..?
To make these 200.000 vehicles go away...
I just wanted a few fuel resources. ;_;
After experimenting around on a friends FOB... FOB infiltrations are completely client-sided. That means - dropping all enemies to sleep by the press of a button works.
I've heard Konami's cheat protection even in multiplayer is a joke, so you should be safe..?
Either way, if you want to be a total *******... you totally can be.