This file has been flagged with Trojan software via Norton Antivirus. Downloaders beware
...Except Norton Antivirus is trash and any flag that MrAntiFun's trainers get is a false positive.

This file has been flagged with Trojan software via Norton Antivirus. Downloaders beware
It's a false positive. I've been using trainers here for quite some time and have never had any problems.When I try to download it gives a Trojan Virus warning from Symantec Endpoint Protection.
nope, i just reinstalled the game and tried the trainer. does not work with original 2033Will this work with the original non-Redux version?
well i am using the i have had a few crashes and it crashes hard, 1. I crash when the grenade from a grenade trap blows up, 2. beginning of the game having inf ammo on stuffed up my ability to pick up the ammo from the armory, most likely my own fault there, inf gas mask seems to crash the game as well mainly at the beginning of the mission khan, other that i haven't found any other crashes
Ahhh Modding the Ini file, i remember the days, good times, good times, your not the only one who stuff that one upThe redux versions are very crash-tastic. The traps are supposed to be instakill but with god mode on it instead crashes the game. No2 was definitely your own fault. Just like it was my own fault using an edited Coalesced.ini with infinite ammo to start a new Mass Effect 2 playthrough, only to end up stuck at the very beginning.......because I'm supposed to pick up an ammo clip to reload the empty pistol, and the game won't let me past otherwise.
Too bad infinite ammo/no reload doesn't work on grenades and knives. Stupid 5-item limit.