New trainer added.
I've created a new account just to download yours trainers, but now I see that I need to thank you.
Thanks, dude! You're a beast! Congrats and keep the excelent work
New trainer added.
research, god mode, popylation are workingwell if research is working then thats better than nothing! looking forward to the update too
Wow that was fast.This needs a new update, please.
I LOVE U!!!New trainer added.
New trainer added.
Anyone else struggling with this download? Can't get my AV to unflag it. Driving me nuts.
Anyone else struggling with this download? Can't get my AV to unflag it. Driving me nuts.
same thing here,can't download. anti-virus don't let
I assume its Windows Defender on Windows 10. Open Defender and go to Virus and Threat protection settings then go down to exclusions. Add your download folder, or whatever you have set as default to save, to the folder exclusion list. Download the trainer, unzip and then add the trainer exe as a file exclusion. Then remove the folder exclusion. Should be good then.
1. Make a damn MRA download folder, totally exclude it from any AV or defender or whatever you use.
This will let you download and unpack.
2. After downloaded in that folder and after unpacked the trainer.exe - exclude this one too!
Dont execute without cause will get blocked by AV.
3. Do not, do not remove that special MRA Folder from exclusion and of course never use it for anything else but MRA downloads.
You wont get any problem anymore!
Hey make sure you are already in the game and it is loaded then you launch the trainer and start activating the cheats.I can not get gold/faith/envoy to work. I have tried redownloading .194, starting a new game, disabling all mods. F2 - F10 work fine, just not F1.
Here is what my procedure has been: latest version of cheat, open game, try a resume or new game, run the cheat as administrator, play out the turn up "next turn", set game editor to 1000 each, press F1 and get the audible "trainer activated", take next turn. Let the the game cycle through sveral turns, no change.
Can someone tell me what I am missing. Or better yet; put together a step the step for dummies. The one that is listed earlier in this tread is a bit ambiguous.