lemme give you some tips,
for ultra-cheatsy experience, with the newest trainer use keys NUMPAD 1, 2 and 3 when creating new race, that way you can give them all traits, ethics etc.
Once in game, press the
~ key on your keyboard to enable console (bewteen escape and TABulator), type in research_technologies to get all the technologies (there will be more technologies but those are just improvements like extra planets, border range, thinsg like that), afterwards i recommend typing in command invincible, it will grant all your ships and stations invincibility
Type instant_build in to the console to build stations, armies, upgrades etc. instantly
Type Populate in to the console with a planet selected (just click on the planet), this will populate it with your primaty species
Type planet_class pc_(class) while selecting a planet, this is a terraformation of any planet, classes are pc_tropical, pc_arctic, pc_desert, you get the idea (continental, tundra, arid etc. even class_g_star works, that's how i got a sun city running

Type own while selecting a planet, this will own the planet, you can purge the existing population, or enslave them, it's your call
Type debug_yesmen to get anyone you contact to agree to your offers, invites...
There are alot of theese commands, please read
this list someone put together, or type help in console and figure it out yourself, have fun!
cheatsy website, click me 
PS, another useful command are:
Survey (this surveys the entire galaxy, breaks some situation log events tho)
damage [number] (this damages selected ship, station for [number] damage, doesn't work on spaceports)
warscore [number] (lemme put it this way, you are in a war and you have selected some objectives, when you type warscore 100, this will literally win the war for you and you will get your objectives, which arep lanets, protectorate...)
planet_size [1 to 25 for habitable worlds] (changes the size of the planet, basically how many pops you can have there)
PS2 (commands instant_move and instant_colony don't work, dunno why)
DISCLAIMER, i am not trying to promote other websites, i just put it here because of all i have seen, they got the clearest list there is