Just throwing my 2c in here - for whatever they're worth truly...
I concur with a previous statement made about Inf. Health and having a companion possibly being an issue, because it's either that or something else that is causing a CTD with no error - even in event viewer it's not even registered as a crash - after around 5-10 minutes of gameplay. I always have options F2 > F8 + F11 activated, so not sure if it's just the health screwing with the companion and causing crashes, but it's sort of screwed my game for the time being - to the point where I can't use that option if I want to progress - as I'm on Skellige looking for the Jarl's son and daughter (different quests) but I'm at a point where I have a companion, so everytime I load up, he's there, and then x amount of time later - usually within minutes - the game closes and that's that.
So, mayhaps MAF could have a quick squiz and see if the addresses may have changed slightly? Because they did change a lot about the game, the list was massive, so I think it only prudent to double check - irregardless of what we say - and make sure there's no hidden surprises?
Again, just my 2c. Take heed or discard, for it does not terribly concern me.