Hello! I would just like to express my unending gratitude for this trainer, all the effort that was put into it, and most of all the fact that there's no need for a dumb survey or to even pay money for it. Thank you for that! And again, thank you for making it in the first place!
I really really like the game but unfortunately i don't care enough about it to actually put much thought into it, so it's just damn impossible for me and this trainer really helped with that.
Playing such a great game, and at the same time being able to relax while doing so has been great, so thank you again!
As an aside, have you ever considered making a command to make your units immortal, or even just a cheat to toggle Fog of War off? Or, and this may be a little extreme, a command to make the Command Center indestructible, so you literally cannot lose?
Cheers, have a great day and thank you again