For that, all you need to do is set the amount of items given for the infinite items cheat in the "minimum items" box. Set to 99 is easiest. However, for the crafting materials I have found the very easiest way for those... or in fact getting any item in the game is to use a single lifegem. Go to a bonfire, set a single lifegem into the storage box with the rest in your inventory. Go into the item ID list provided (03A25410 - Titanite shard, for anyone still missing it) and set lifegem ID for top box and ANY items ID for the bottom. Make sure the lifegem in the stormage NOT the inventory is highlighted and then press edit item key after you have set the figure. Crafting items set to 250+ AFTER you already have them in your inventory would be recommended. now you should have your item. Click on it and it should go to its correct window. Crafting items just need to be clicked and then discard a single one of how many you have for the item to stay without logging in and out of the game. Any other item be it weapons armor or something as a simple as a poison throwing knife need to be logged in and then out for the items code to correspond with the game.
Hope I have helped a little