Delete ur account on the cheatforum, when you're raging against cheaters - this is the meaning of this forum.For everyone who wants to get his cheated on Char back online . : YES IT WILL GET YOU BANNED !!!!!
You cheated offline,even with just a few items - BANNED
You cheated offline just so set up some skills - BANNED
You cheated Inf. HP / Stamina offline - 50% BANNED for disabling AC
Basically if you go online with a hacked char,you will be banned shortly !!!
""Can dis bannme for going online later?!?!""
YES it will get you banned !!!
Just accept that you are not good enough for PvP without cheats and stop trying to use them online. Had a few Hackers in fightclubs,and it destroyed everyones Game !!
Thanks for reading
you have a better chance at winning the lotto than soloing a boss either major ot mini boss fight on this game
So i have a quick question, like many others, i turned off internet, started ds, went in, started trainer, added 70k souls twice (140k) then shut the trainer down, used the souls for absolution and got like 2 levels, now i log in today and i get the message, is it a sure ban if i click accept and log in to play anyways or is it just a warning? 30 hours in so creating a new one would be such a drag...
So I had received the warning message Afew days ago about deleting my save file due to cheating whatever , ok so I deleted the save file and didn't touch DS3 until today and not I have received a penalty which has resulted in restricted online play... Wtf ? I only played offline and went online once by accident without and stats adjusted apart from items (I'm guessing the 99 Estus flask flagged something) so what does online restrictions actually mean ?
lol, sure it will. And I suppose the majority of players who don't cheat are going to be ok with cheaters and hackers to be allowed to freely play the game again? Not a chance.Their penalties apply to the account, their broken system will be overthrown on a few days with numerous angry phonecalls
Just create a second steam account and share your library with it, so you'll be save.Sorry for the stupid question, and it has probably been asked but:
Would it be safe to have one character that is hacked and in OFFLINE mode (as in never take him/her online ever),
while you have a second character that is 100% legit for online?
'Cuz I've been thinkin' about buying the game.
You're the one telling people to "mind their own business" on a public forum on the internet where anyone is able to post.No salt here to speak of, only sweet and succulent molasses an a bag of valencia oranges.
They have hidden data of how much souls you gather and your balance, also spending. Even you try to be tricky not adding too much souls, the system detect an impossible action that you have unbalance numbers, therefor the server consider you as a cheater.So i have a quick question, like many others, i turned off internet, started ds, went in, started trainer, added 70k souls twice (140k) then shut the trainer down, used the souls for absolution and got like 2 levels, now i log in today and i get the message, is it a sure ban if i click accept and log in to play anyways or is it just a warning? 30 hours in so creating a new one would be such a drag...