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Nov 25, 2014
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"what's the diff between normal and b trainer"



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Jun 5, 2014
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Endless Legend v1.0.21 Trainer please. Thanks MrAntiFun


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Nov 12, 2014
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Hopefully Mr. AntiFun will have the time to give this trainer an update! I've followed the steps and it still didn't work. So I looked into the trainer and noticed that when I turn on the cheat for Dust and Influence, the cheats would automatically deactivated themselves.


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Apr 20, 2014
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its not working the cheats reset after activate

yep i did as you said but it not working,sorryt i dont know how

do exactly as u said.but didn't work.

same here. doesn`t work. too bad. never had a problem with your trainers... weird

hello i did too as you said but it didnt worked!honestly it gave me 1 time only the reputation(no idea how),not the dust!i tryed a lot of times and never worked anymore!sigh

I've been doing exactly as you said since yesterday.

1. Start gameworld
2. Activate trainer
3. Build city and end turn
4. Press either cheat hotkeys and end turn
5. No effect

Oh it not metter. I was just reporting what happens.

Nop stay in 9999999 or something like this.


Now i'm confused. Are we talking about the same release? (steam, RLD...)

I don't know how MrAntifun did this but if the release is different it can not work and the problem can be related with the faction.(I played only with the Wild Walkers btw)

-------------------------- EDIT-----------------------------------------------

I got it. The problem is not the Faction. Probably u guys are constructing ( in the city. swers or somehting like this) and researching something. Try to not do nothing except construct the city and end the turn.

I think this can resolve the problem

BTW i'm using the RLD version

i using steam version but no work except as i said up 1 time i got reputation working!no idea how i did it!the only i dont need sadly!dust is better!!

i confirm what you said, it's true,but after activate trainer try end turn then move your units to everywhere then press either cheats in game without doing alt-tab to the trainer then end turn,it's working?
PS:mrantifun when i continue game(i am at turn 5) i saw that dust and influence is at 1000..k but trainer is not even opened then i tried to end turn and gotcha it's crash evertime

dust stay at 9999..k and influence stay at 1000..k try again end turn then dust should be at 1000..k

This trainer proves to be problematic for me also, followed instructions and everything seemed fine but I only got it to work once. After that it just never did it again, not a huge deal though just hopefully this gets resolved for other players. ^^

In the meantime I'm attempting to make my own cheat table for it, I suggest others do the same. :)

It doesn't work for me either. When you press F1, it does activate. But after you end the turn, pressing F2 and/or F3 only temporary turns on the cheat. The values never change in-game. I wasted a bunch of turns/time creating and recreating.

I have the same version 1.0 S3. RLD release. However, that shouldn't matter much since this is probably checking for memory holding values for the dust and influence. I assume it only works because because the starting values change by some specific amount the first turn of creating a city. However, relying on users to manually get the exact variable by following a precise sequence is a bad idea, imo. If we could enter the values, sure it could work, but who knows what actions/inputs could affect how the values are stored.

Would it not be easier to make a save game editor?

Hi Mr. Antifun, would be appreciated if this is resolved. You're doing a great job, and thank you!

I decided to rage a bit lol, but guys, this does work. I had to press about 2159812952 times, and then it changed the values to 1000000000k or whatever, and this was during a turn. :)

Game freezes and dies after a while due to the cheats though..

Thank you :)

it goes to -20000000000 if i try to use the influence thing as well as the dust cheat.

i tryed all,load and new games but nothing!

Just great to know you didn't forget about it..hope to see it soon. Thank you for the incredible work so far ;-)

Any update on the trainer mate? :)

The trainer activating button it F2, F3.
It is not possible to make changes in the button in the game. Like this not good. Until all of them the game a menu comes in. The game is frozen off and steps out.

Any chance for an update :)

Update please

Please update in 1.0.30 ! :)

update plz

Pls update

Can you update trainer?

I know i kinda let you down guys on this trainer , But i was busy doing some other stuff , I had couple hours free today so i made a new trainer and hopefully it will work on all game versions and for everyone , Please read instructions ,Any problem let me know .

#New trainer added.


Super Member
Sep 11, 2014
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just tested, and it work for me (steam version)

influence work immediatly, but the dust work after some time, after the first technology finish to create (exempl: unlock mercenary market).
so, yes, it work ^^ thanks MrAntifun


Jul 5, 2014
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I know i kinda let you down guys on this trainer , But i was busy doing some other stuff , I had couple hours free today so i made a new trainer and hopefully it will work on all game versions and for everyone , Please read instructions ,Any problem let me know .

#New trainer added.

You doing a great job thanks