turn off the trainer, mrantifun should fix the bug with elephant,
it is so hard to just make 1.0b trainer which fixes elephant and perhaps karma ? i know you have lot of work , but this doesnt seems like something terribly difficult.
If you would understand then you would see how much hard work he have, he have hundreds of Trainers prepare + update, I do not expect you to understand, of course.
A few times I have to repeat the same answer ...
i know HE HAS LOT OF WORK, BECAUSE OF HUNDREDS TRAINERS, what im saying is the update shoulnt take him long,and yes i respect him i just asked if he can fix it the elephant bug since its supposed to be one of main features of Far Cry 4, he will tell us if he will update etc i was just asking him, seriously you are overzelous, you remind me bit of SJWs.
He he is DAMN right...it works 100%..i just checked..Trainer works perfectly fine for V1.4 , Please start the game first then the trainer , To be clear the trainer V1.00 works for V1.1 , 1.2 ,1.3 and 1.4 .
He he is DAMN right...it works 100%..i just checked..
turn off god mode ,god mode have some problem on ride elephant you can use undetect it's like god mode ^^need update, and i got some problem while using the trainer
1. game version 1.0 can't ride elephant, whenever i ride it the game crash
I don't know if you take suggestions or have no time for it but how about an "enter trading post menü" button?? Isn't that an interressting idea?
Oh you mean to the shop menu ?
I dont think its possible but In between, you can make Fast Travel to the places which have shop there.
Yes i meant the shop menuWell yes fast travel is an alternative but its not as comfortable and probably won't work while on missions, I haven't tried it out.
found a problem where my wallet is full cause i used the money cheat, 999,999 cash wont let me sell anything else :/
I dont see any reason to try making this option, While you in the shop you getting the item you want, So i dont understand why you need to visit the shop over and over again, While you got the item you wanted, only after getting lvl up etc.... You can visit the shop again to get the next item in your list.