Hello So i got a Problem my game is 1.0.0 and i use the 1.0.0 +19 trainer if i use Super Factorislimit it works to a certain dimension so i build tanks, weapones planes and stuff as long i dont use over like 40-70 Factories its all good but if i got over 40-70 (its kinda random) its buggy like i assign the factories to my stuff and after 24H in game it resets to only 30 factories and so it stops building stuff its really annoying to reassign them every day.
Sry for bad explanation but my english is not good so i can not really explain

hope u understand it anyways
have a nice day and ty for any help
Edit: and also when i do something that has something to do with the world tension its Instant on 100% and when i hover over it it say some shit like 34234% world tension..