Editing character stats in save games is actually really easy, but since I haven't seen a guide anywhere I'll make one.
1. open the forgotten construction set.
2. close the little mod selection/creation window in the middle.
3. select open any (furthest right on the menu bar). This should open the main kenshi folder, if not you might have to browse for it the first time.
4. open the main save folder and find the folder with the name of the save you want to edit and open that.
5. open the platoon folder and find your squad's .platoon file (if your lazy like me it's probably still nameless_1.platoon)
6. scroll the bottom of the little window that pops up and you should see the names of any characters you have in that squad open one and happy editing.
the values are supposed to max at 100 but you can set them to whatever, just don't blame me if you break your game with giant numbers.