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New Member
Nov 22, 2015
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Also small Rome II MAF wemod trainer example : To use slider to set specific ammount of money wemod PRO is needed...Without PRO player must hold F1 by 10 minutes which adding +1 gold(instead of 100 or 1000) to reach for example 50k gold and lisening very annoying intense sound all this time.Sorry but NO Thanks...


Aug 21, 2019
Reaction score
Also small Rome II MAF wemod trainer example : To use slider to set specific ammount of money wemod PRO is needed...Without PRO player must hold F1 by 10 minutes which adding +1 gold(instead of 100 or 1000) to reach for example 50k gold and lisening very annoying intense sound all this time.Sorry but NO Thanks...

Really? WeMod is incapable of making such a basic function be non-pro?

And these WeMod devs wonder why MAF users dislike them so.


New Member
Sep 20, 2016
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First I want to thank MAF for all the work he's done here. It's truly amazing.

I don't think WeMod has any nefarious intentions or schemes going on. Clearly I'm not a donor here so my opinion is less valid; but a table from CE or a trainer from CheatHappens is a lot more familiar, and gives me more control. I'm a lifetime member on CH (I'm not affiliated with them) and they've always struck a balance between adding more features and simplicity. You can ignore more than half the options CH gives you and just treat it like a trainer from 2008.

Sure, I had to pay a one-time fee for it, but they offer exactly what I want and expect. People aren't forced to download and install things they may not want to use. I don't want an app/database that automatically does things such as downloading and selecting versions for me. I like to have that control myself.

I also noticed that the Pro membership for WeMod disables "ads".
Does this mean the free version has advertisements? Because that'd be a HUGE drawback for me. I get enough ads on YouTube on my phone to last me a lifetime.

All in all for me WeMod comes down to an extra step to get what I want, while there are alternatives that make it easier. :/


WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
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First I want to thank MAF for all the work he's done here. It's truly amazing.

I don't think WeMod has any nefarious intentions or schemes going on. Clearly I'm not a donor here so my opinion is less valid; but a table from CE or a trainer from CheatHappens is a lot more familiar, and gives me more control. I'm a lifetime member on CH (I'm not affiliated with them) and they've always struck a balance between adding more features and simplicity. You can ignore more than half the options CH gives you and just treat it like a trainer from 2008.

Sure, I had to pay a one-time fee for it, but they offer exactly what I want and expect. People aren't forced to download and install things they may not want to use. I don't want an app/database that automatically does things such as downloading and selecting versions for me. I like to have that control myself.

I also noticed that the Pro membership for WeMod disables "ads". Does this mean the free version has advertisements? Because that'd be a HUGE drawback for me. I get enough ads on YouTube on my phone to last me a lifetime.

All in all for me WeMod comes down to an extra step to get what I want, while there are alternatives that make it easier. :/
There are currently no ads in WeMod besides the occasional popup for Pro and that isn't very often. We don't like ads any more than the next person which is why we have not added any. As far as WeMod automatically downloading cheats and selecting the version, you have complete control over which cheats to use. We show you ones that we have confirmed are compatible with your game version but you can use an older version of the cheats if you want to. Cheats are not downloaded until you click play and only the trainer you selected is downloaded.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2015
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Sad. Very sad.

Guess it's Cheat Engine from here on out! Thanks for all the trainers over the years, MrAntiFun! It's been a fun little ride.

WeMod sucks. There's no way this is a step forward, except for lining peoples pockets - at least MrAntiFun deserves it, even though seemingly he gets donations fairly regularly, otherwise this site would have been dead by now. The way it handles its users, the fact it's an app and not lightweight and friendly like a savable trainer you can stash and use when you want it, and the fact it has its own micro currency...just yuck. I made a mistake of installing WeMod about a year ago, and it invaded my system something awful, and spammed me with requests to donate / become a member. I also recall either not having full access to certain cheats, and not being able to do some extremely basic stuff like toggling cheats with a hotkey while in game, or modifying which ones activate on game start up or not, unless I was a paid member. Also, to use the trainers you always have to be online. No downloading them, saving them to be used elsewhere, even being portable I.E on a USB. This is basically DRM for your trainers, lmao. Very, VERY predatory.

This feels like the start of some Epic Games Store tier shenanigans. Start buying out or bullying competition until you have the monopoly and your app and its micros are the only way or something, lol. I hope not. I guess with all these trainers and cheat tables being released honestly and open for all to use, someone was going to try gathering them up and selling them. Kinda reminds me of paid mods, or those "free" mobile games that are incredibly gamed towards the player not being able to do anything they actually want unless they pay out for the micro currency - while claiming they don't actually force anyone to buy it via some PR spiel.

Anyway, good luck with whatever and wherever you end up, MrAntiFun. Everything you've built, everything you've accomplished over the last five years...I hope this was worth it...hopefully onwards and upwards, eh? I guess this site will be dead soon, considering. I imagine the traffic flow is going to drop through the floor thanks to this magical app that will contain all of your current trainers, etc. If your trainers are going to be up there, for free, then what exactly are you gaining from this? Unless...your future trainers are going to be paid, or WeMod has sucked you up to work on trainers there for a regular salary? That's cool, I guess. Anything that benefits YOU is good. Anything that benefits WeMod is not.

As your old trainers can attest to - pathetic leeches.

Here's a nice example, though. I came here to pick up a trainer for The Surge, I went straight there, clicked to download the trainer as usual, and to my intense surprise and dislike, I discover instead I've just downloaded a WeMod installer. Amazing! So I delete that, and run a search for "The Surge Cheat Table" and bang, first result takes me straight to a table that is up to date and functional. I don't need an account to download it. You can try to argue having to install Cheat Engine is the same as installing WeMod (it's not). It's in my folder and ready to use in half a second, and active 10 seconds later. It has a good variety of options, beyond what you would normally expect, and you can edit your own values so you're not stuck with 99,999 whatever when you activate "infinite X" etc. Every option is free. I don't have to be online to use it. This is infinitely better than WeMod. WeMod, that applies limits on your cheating ability via very user unfriendly methods, such as making a cheat only give you 100 gold each time you press an inconfigurable hotkey - unless you buy pro version, when ONLY then can you input your own custom amount...pathetic.

I'm speaking purely from opinion here, not fact, when I say this - but I believe the above is all you're going to achieve through this. This is what you've forced onto your user base. Your trainers were always easier to use than Cheat Engine - but the learning curve is miniscule compared to the annoyance and irritation of installing and using WeMod. Unless Cheat Engine / ******** gets taken out, that's where I think a lot of people, myself included, are going to default to from now on.

TLDR - we're no longer a community. We're now customers.
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New Member
Oct 30, 2016
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I'm amazed you have managed to find a more suspicious way to cheat in a videogame, I mean seriously, as if I don't already have enough crap searching through every nook and cranny of my computer I need a bonafide cheat directory grabbing all my data. Bugger it, I'd rather just make my own at this stage, I hope mrantifun is getting some serious scratch out of this because this is going to spear his follower base.

Rest in piece maf, It was nice knowing you


Nov 26, 2014
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Hi Chris.. the blog of maf..there s a lot of donor..senior donor n extreme donor..can they all go into wemod automatic join in..perhaps it may be a good way sir. can wemod transfer them all to u did promise us ..wemod have team up with Maf..cos u see in all these time most of us all been donate to Maf..and of course hopeful not to be donate again to wemod..hope chris can understand us all..Chris.. I hope you can consider it ..reasonable is that we all supported MAF..long ago..only thing maf is he have a more to college..I know maf link up wemod is that he may can have his private life..more..apart from college life..Maf created his blog..with server from scratch..with perhaps donation from gamers ..players..some I sense..whining or dislike..but Maf and his committee make the decision..the best..I only for I say..convert us the donor..senior donor..xtreme donor..super donor to's just a suggestion
Hope you can consider it with wemod adm..nxt is if Maf have transfer most trainers..can or could chris highlight the weekly basis or be fair..tq's just my opinion..last but not least..I hope wemod blog don't have problems blog is down n out..question like what if..if the blog been or where can we contact wemod again..these is the question..please don't be annoy..I just speak honest..sir..tq ..I appreciate chris and maf is doing the best for all of us


New Member
Mar 28, 2015
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very questionable platform that is, and almost everything is behind the paywall. i`ll find an alternative. this was good while it lasted.


Nov 26, 2014
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hi chris wemod..ya cant it be totally automatic join in as Pro unlimited rather by 3 month..1 year or 2 Maf give us like totally donor ...side position..rather the offer is a short term ..i mean mr chris..totally in wemod group..
from my view..i rather wemod put us all in as Pro...i m sure maf will agrees..


New Member
Jun 1, 2014
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From earlier posts I read in this thread, I also felt I needed to input my experience. I have came here for years because the trainers are predictable and reliable. Trainer screen format has generally been constant and easy to understand and activate. People do not generally like change.

I installed State of Decay again a few weeks ago and came here as always to make the game go faster for me. I learned about wemod that day and downloaded your app link for latest trainer. When I got into it there was no MAF trainer link option just a trainer from some other dude.

I used his trainer and my game BUGGED BAD and was so bad I quit playing for a few days, returned here and found an old working MAF real trainer for an older version, reinstalled my older version game and I am now playing that.

What basically happened was: I wanted a Coke and was standing in front of a Coke machine ready to buy it. You said "Don't buy Coke there, I sell it over here now, here's where the freshest Coke is!" So I walked over to you and you handed me a cup of hot coffee. Something that looked, tasted, felt, and smelled TOTALLY DIFFERENT than Coke. The only thing the two have in common is they are liquids.

The only thing you and MAF have in common is trainers. MAF served it exactly the way his XXXXX followers liked it. That's why they came here, like me. Its a much larger "hassle" to use your software, made to made it "easier". If it worked as stated, NO ONE would have an issue. If you plan to continue as-is in the future, I will be absent I feel. The only person benefiting from MAF's move is wemod, certainly not the consumer, at least not yet. And to me, it kinda damages MAF's streetcred to go from King to crap like this.



Active Member
Jul 1, 2014
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Brother , well said ! You`re 100% right about everything.I salute you !
Now , back to this bullsh*t !Maybe it wasn`t clear before, so i`ll make it simple !
1.The fact that i have to install an extra ap is bulls*it !
2.The fact that i have to be ONLINE to use a trainer is bullsh*t !
3.The fact that i can`t store the trainer on my hdd to use it when i want and how i want is bullsh*t !
4.The existence of any kind of "pay for x" is bullsh*t !
5.The fact that your app "scans" my hdd is beyond bullsh*t !
Now some questions :
Why the fu*k would i add another app [ a crappy app i must say ] on top of steam, uplay and origin ?
Why would i allow this app to accces my hdd ?
The only way to fix this crap is to give the option to download trainers just like before.And if someone wanna use ya app, let them use it. But HAVE the option to download the trainer like we used to !
The whole point of this site and what mrAntiFun did was to make trainers accesable and free...I tried your app for 5 games, it didn`t work ! I had to go on google , find sites that uploaded mrAntifuns trainers and get them from there.
I`ve used CheatHeappens i guess i`m going back there since this site is about to go down in flames.


Sep 21, 2015
Reaction score
Im glad to see MAF getting some recognition for his work.

The downside with WeMod is that it forces you to have a working connection at all time to use their mods. There should be a FREE offline storage for trainers so we can just go online, download them, and use them on the go. That's really the main issue with WeMod and why I personally stopped using them and moved to MAF.

Im not in way shape or form supportive of sites that forces people to pay for up to date trainers, like CheatHappens for example. I understand there's a niche here and modders want to make their money by selling their trainers. However if you look at the bigger picture, the whole gaming industry right now is under fire because of all these practices. If everything gets locked behind a paywall, people will just simply not use your trainers and move to a free site, not to mention that Trainers, like video games, get Yar Yar'd (You know what I mean, black sail with a skull on it). So in the end, you'd be shooting yourself in the foot, because there's always a way to get things for free.

Personal note: I just ******* love seeing all these people who never donated to MAF, and lowkey have 1 post on the forums, going batshit crazy. Who the **** are you? You're clearly not supporters of MAF or his work, you're just leeches trying to shout absurdities without knowing shit. Get lost.
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New Member
Dec 26, 2017
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WeMod is a complete mess for me. Once in a while, a MrAntiFun trainer would get false flagged and maybe quarantined by my antivirus - but WeMod? the installer gets flagged and *deleted*. So I create an exception, then run the program. It crashes out, and its updater gets quarantined. So I create *another* exception, and boot it up again. I try to load a game through it, it crashes out, it gets flagged and quarantined, the game I'm trying to run gets flagged and quarantined, and the shortcut to the game, on my desktop, gets flagged and deleted!

Time to uninstall - but it has no uninstall, or listing in programs and features, so has to be manually ripped out. Very trustworthy, indeed! I'm guessing all the trustpilot and other reviews and safety ratings online are fake, since none of them mention any of the issues so many people here are bringing up. F you, WeMod devs, for not even having the decency to make your crap removable.

Even if it did work, why would I want to have software running in the background, at all times, scanning my drive contents and monitoring my activity, on the off-chance that I might want to use a trainer?

I've been relying on MrAntiFun for years, whenever I wanted a trainer, as a source I knew was safe and reliable - but I guess that's over. I wish him the best of luck with his new direction, but I think he just screwed over his good reputation. I'm out.


Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
It should show in Apps and Features....does for running a hacked or non-activated version of Windows or something??


Sep 25, 2016
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So basically all the wonderful trainers we got for free from MAF will now be neutered unless we pay money to WeFraud unlock them.
Yeah, change is good, but dollar bills is better.


WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
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WeMod is a complete mess for me. Once in a while, a MrAntiFun trainer would get false flagged and maybe quarantined by my antivirus - but WeMod? the installer gets flagged and *deleted*. So I create an exception, then run the program. It crashes out, and its updater gets quarantined. So I create *another* exception, and boot it up again. I try to load a game through it, it crashes out, it gets flagged and quarantined, the game I'm trying to run gets flagged and quarantined, and the shortcut to the game, on my desktop, gets flagged and deleted!

Time to uninstall - but it has no uninstall, or listing in programs and features, so has to be manually ripped out. Very trustworthy, indeed! I'm guessing all the trustpilot and other reviews and safety ratings online are fake, since none of them mention any of the issues so many people here are bringing up. F you, WeMod devs, for not even having the decency to make your crap removable.

Even if it did work, why would I want to have software running in the background, at all times, scanning my drive contents and monitoring my activity, on the off-chance that I might want to use a trainer?

I've been relying on MrAntiFun for years, whenever I wanted a trainer, as a source I knew was safe and reliable - but I guess that's over. I wish him the best of luck with his new direction, but I think he just screwed over his good reputation. I'm out.
What AV are you running? We try to keep up with the false-positive flags but there are some AV's that just flag it after every update. We've never had anyone report AVs going as far as flagging the game.

You can disable close to tray which will stop it from running in the background or you can close it from the tray manually.

So basically all the wonderful trainers we got for free from MAF will now be neutered unless we pay money to WeFraud unlock them.
Yeah, change is good, but dollar bills is better.
All cheats and trainer are free in WeMod.