Hi !
With the newest version / newest patch I've been flagged as invalid data user for using Inf.HP/Stamina offline to speedrun Archdragon's Peak (which is a zone that annoys me to no end). Used the trained after opening the game, only F1-F2-F3 activated (in this order), everything worked fine. I have no idea how they flagged me as I was only using temporary stuff that shouldn't have altered my save in any way - except if the game somehow has a way to realize you take more damage than your health pool is supposed to allow you to / you run for way too long without getting tired. I honestly have no clue.
EDIT : In one instance, my game crashed without giving me a chance to deactivate the trainer before saving & closing. I launched the game normally afterwards, with the trainer closed, and only reactivated it ingame, but maybe this had an effect on my save. Thoughts?
EDIT2 : According to some people, From Software likely added a new anticheat with their last update, that regularly checks for modified values even offline. Might need investigating. Be careful.