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Apr 22, 2014
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Virus detected say my Windows Defender. Can not start Trainer....


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Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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Inf Runes and Undetected doesn't work, other than that, good trainer! :)

i tried starting the trainer in admin and normal mode still the undetected doesnt want to work i just get the ringing sound everytime i press F3

inf rune and undetected works only girl , on Korvo this dont works

Nope, for me undetected does not work on any character.

i also had the same problem with undetected. walked up to an enemy playing as emily and was attacked by a guard after pressing f3

Very unreliable, barely works.
Undetected completely busted, please fix! :)

I'm not sure how you got undetected working in your vid, and also Inf. Runes isn't working

same here, no undetected, inf runes not working even when run as admin

Running Windows 7 and i am having the same issue with F3 undetected. i have rebooted, opened the program as amin, unblocked the program in the settings. Nothing seems to work

Amazing that it got out so fast, but undetected does not work (playing as Emily, ran game first, then ran trainer with admin privileges.)

F3 Undetected is not working for me either. :( The least is working fine though.

Thank you MAF for the trainer :)

Everything works fine exept for F3 UNDETECTED :(

everything does not work fine -.- runes dont work, undetected doesn't work for some people too..

He already stated in this very thread that he knows Undetected and Infinite Runes do not work correctly. You know how big his plate is, just relax and let him get to it. Maybe hunt for those runes and be stealthy for the time being, like your supposed to do ;)

Undetected isn't working for me. I'm sure it's already been said though. Any chance you could throw in an Infinite Power Duration? Being able to stay in a possessed body for a long time would help with clearing missions so I can get the full stealth play through. :D

  1. Inf Ruin undetected doesn't work on girls , maybe korvo too

Sharing same problem as everyone else. Undetected won't even active at all and Inf runes works but only if you buy something that cost less runes than you currently have. (Emily Playthrough)

The trainer works perfect, minor issue with the undetectable.. but really if yous are playing a game like dishonored is that really an issue that would bother people? the rune one isnt broke or anything it just keeps the amount of runes you had at that time.. eg: if you had 6-7 runes (best to have that amount) then when you activate the cheat you will keep that amount. if you buy something with the same price as the amount of runes you have then it will take them all and leave you with none. hope this helps and great work mr antifun. always amazed

hmm/ works all. only UnDetected not work. activate, collect 1-2 runes and you have infinite runes. for ammo work too. sry for my english

again as like several people have said, this is -not- the case for everyone, for some people like yourself, runes is not an issue but for others it is, the trainer is buggy or broken for most people when it comes to the runes or undetected.

here's hoping the undetected gets fixed at some point just so I can get stealth achievement as holy f**k they have a huge detection range

New trainer added with fix for undetected cheat ,Will check out runes cheat as soon as i can .


New Member
May 26, 2016
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F5 is not working for me. When i press it i get a generic noise, not the cheat activated voice. All i wanted was the infinite coin.


Apr 25, 2014
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it keeps saying "virus detected" and "windows defender is removing it"
mrantifun. are you trying to put viruses in my computer?

Yes he is. He's going to install ransomware that makes you donate $100,000,000,000,000,000 via PayPal or you get a billion gold, a billion runes and infinite health.

Seriously, if you think there's something wrong with someone as trusted as MrAntiFun, then why are you even here? Why make an account if you trust Windows Defender more?


New Member
Dec 5, 2014
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Thank you so much again for the trainer, Mr. AntiFun. Excellent works as always.

To everyone else, please be polite and please be patient. These are fantastic trainers we enjoy for free.

And if you are one of those who really can't wait + you know how to mess around CheatEngine, the rune count doesn't have a lot of funny math or coding cooked into the number. You can simple track the node by spending runes. For me, it only took one try to find the number. I had 20 runes. CE pinpointed the memory address right away. (Oh, don't exit the in-game "Power" menu when you switch between Dishonored 2 and CE). I'm playing Emily. The total number of runes required to fill all skills = 111. Oh, don't keep rune count above 99 before save. Spend it until it's lower than 99 (The game will reset the number to 99 if you go over)

Cheers and enjoy!

Jay Are

Active Member
Sep 2, 2015
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Rune cheat works, as it states- infinite runes. It will give you infinite X runes, where X is the value you currently have. If you spend less than the amount you have, your rune value will not decrease, however, if you spend the same amount, it will decrease to zero. Like someone mentioned, if you are familiar with CE, just modify the value. I was able to max out all abilities after finding 7 runes, and turning the cheat on.

On another note, MAF, do you think there will be an additional cheat for max/inf. Charm/Rune creation items?
Thanks for the trainer, as always.


New Member
Nov 12, 2016
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Above is incorrect, I spent less runes than I carried with the cheat active and still spent the runes, leaving me with less than I started with. Currently the rune cheat does not work, the rest seems fine though so thanks for that.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2015
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Above is incorrect, I spent less runes than I carried with the cheat active and still spent the runes, leaving me with less than I started with. Currently the rune cheat does not work, the rest seems fine though so thanks for that.

It works fine for me as well, dunno why it doesn't with you. Try to see if you actually started the trainer first then the game, if not then too bad.

jim coop

New Member
Nov 28, 2014
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ok dont know if this'll actually help anyone but i was having issues with the infinite runes option but that only seems to not work for me when i boot the game & trainer from windows 10 (i have a dual boot system win 7&10) i tried running them both in windows 7 compatability mode but that didn't work. but when i boot windows 7 the infinate runes works


Jan 25, 2016
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I also have win 10 and can confirm that no matter how many runes I have, inf runes doesn't work. I tried with 4, 7, and 8, use them will always decrease the number of runes.


May 29, 2014
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It works fine for me as well, dunno why it doesn't with you. Try to see if you actually started the trainer first then the game, if not then too bad.

Would you mind providing Screenshots? Because so far I have only seen 2 people saying it works.


Jan 25, 2016
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Would you mind providing Screenshots? Because so far I have only seen 2 people saying it works.
I think there are more than 2 people in this thread who said that it worked for them. Plus I don't see why anyone would lie about something like this...


Master Donor
Sep 15, 2014
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Would you mind providing Screenshots? Because so far I have only seen 2 people saying it works.

I think there are more than 2 people in this thread who said that it worked for them. Plus I don't see why anyone would lie about something like this...
The V1.00b trainer definitely works on Emily but you need to have at least 7 runes in order to buy all the powers and upgrades.


Apr 25, 2014
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The V1.00b trainer definitely works on Emily but you need to have at least 7 runes in order to buy all the powers and upgrades.

Basically a giant FU to us returning players who chose Corvo for the more lore-friendly 'sequel' approach haha

Emily will be my next playthrough but I hope the Rune thing works soon, or I hope someone finds a workaround that we can use in the meantime


Jan 25, 2016
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Basically a giant FU to us returning players who chose Corvo for the more lore-friendly 'sequel' approach haha

Emily will be my next playthrough but I hope the Rune thing works soon, or I hope someone finds a workaround that we can use in the meantime
what do you mean a big FU?? As if MAF sabotaged this on purpose...
If anything it's something in the game interfering with the cheat on Corvo's side, something MAF didn't notice as he would have rreasonably assumed that things are the same for both characters. Either way it's not his fault.


May 29, 2014
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Basically a giant FU to us returning players who chose Corvo for the more lore-friendly 'sequel' approach haha

Emily will be my next playthrough but I hope the Rune thing works soon, or I hope someone finds a workaround that we can use in the meantime

Same, playing as Corvo and no chance, even with 7 runes.