Trainer Search

Ken Kaneki

Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
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No, just another awesome bonus feature of untested MAF trainers. But at least the trainer's free, right?

what are you trying to suggest here huh? Go to CH, give them money plus a subscription just for a trainer? what!? WHAT!? MAF gave us a free Trainer, yes it may have issues atm and people have to replay the game from start, so? eventually everyobe will be playing from start again if they want to play as other character/class/race w/e.

If CH were free, i would have taken that suggestion, but sadly its not so what you are trying to rightnow, pulling people to CH wont work.


New Member
Oct 14, 2014
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that person just joined today so its probably just yoMAF again on another account. the same troll earlier that was causing problems on the trainer request thread. talking about Pookeyboy btw :p

Also its FREE so who cares if it is buggy at the moment. I don't complain much about the quality of free software, and he will fix it sooner or later so there really isn't anything to complain about.

Ty for your trainers MAF Always happy that u are welling to gives these trainers for free.


New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Shut the **** up pookeyboy.
You wine like an over-priveledged 15 year old douche.

If you don't like the trainer; eat a dick, stop being a troll and piss off.

Ken Kaneki

Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
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No, I'm suggesting that if people actually want a WORKING TRAINER that was properly tested before being released to the masses, then that is where they should go. Since apparently MAF knew about all these issues and instead of fixing them simply decided to log off and get to it whenever. I personally don't care if anyone buys a CH subscription, I was merely offering an alternative. If you would rather get something that destroys your game just because it's free, then more power to you bro. It certainly personifies the mindset of many of the users here. Next time you go to wal-mart, you should ask for directions to the free, non-working stuff isle. Or maybe the supermarket where you can get the free expired food that gives you food poisoning. I mean, it's better than actually paying for something that works, right?

It doesn't "Destroy" my game, it's still playable, unless the trainer did ****** my game which causing unplayable then i agree. It's just that the bugged saved with the error trainer and so we are forced to play from start, from my point of view, this kind of shit happen even without using trainer, think of it as save file corrupted. Beside, MAF is fixing it, if he didn't, yes i might be right behind you right now. Aslong as MAF did not abandone this, then it is not something to make a fuss about. I just disapointed with CH, before they were Free they make it a subscription..that ridiculous for a trainer. Yes it's true CH trainer are functional, no issues what so ever, then again MAF is a human, everybody makes error, nobody is perfect. CH maybe have more people with them to get their Trainer goes pefectly ok, MAF prob work this alone.

Anyway, i suggest you should stop "Advert" CH in this community, it is a very rude. Everybody who trainer knows CH, so there's no point in advertising them here or even any other Trainer website. CH offer a good trainer with cost of Money, MAF offer a need fix Trainer that IS working for free. I rather stick with MAF. Trainer is not something that you should spend money on, different case in support the creation thou.

Ken Kaneki

Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
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How about you speak for yourself dickweed? I had 13 hours invested in my game and this trainer ruined it. After similar problems with the This War of Mine trainer, I definitely won't be using any trainers from here again. I'd rather pay DVT, CH or anyone else than have to deal with this kind of bullshit. You can delete, ban or whatever this account. Thanks for all the wonderful freebies.

/extremely pissed off

what's with the issult? what are you 12 years old? is this your first time having a problem with video games? well , this will be a good experience. It's free trainer, you should know the consecuences.


New Member
Nov 19, 2014
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Getting an error when starting it up, I run it as admin but then windows says I may not have the appropriate path file or permission to access it then it disappears.


New Member
Nov 19, 2014
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It is a decent trainer, but the trainer causes my game to feese up after i played for awhile ..:(:mad: i have to hard reset my pc
i have only health option active


Master Donor
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
First post here, though I've used some of MAF's trainers in the past.

I have a hard time understanding those who think that they're somehow entitled to have everything work instantly.

Use at your own risk, and if you're dissatisfied.... I'm sure MAF would be delighted to refund your mon..... oh wait, it's a FREE trainer.

THANK YOU, Mr. Antifun, *I* appreciate your work, even if some shit-mouthed spoiled brats don't. And I'm happy to wait until the bugs are worked out.


Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
Also, you spend 13 hours? i spend 37 hours and i have to replay it again, did i complain?

what are you trying to suggest here huh? Go to CH, give them money plus a subscription just for a trainer? what!? WHAT!? MAF gave us a free Trainer, yes it may have issues atm and people have to replay the game from start, so? eventually everyobe will be playing from start again if they want to play as other character/class/race w/e.

If CH were free, i would have taken that suggestion, but sadly its not so what you are trying to rightnow, pulling people to CH wont work.

that person just joined today so its probably just yoMAF again on another account. the same troll earlier that was causing problems on the trainer request thread. talking about Pookeyboy btw :p

Also its FREE so who cares if it is buggy at the moment. I don't complain much about the quality of free software, and he will fix it sooner or later so there really isn't anything to complain about.

Ty for your trainers MAF Always happy that u are welling to gives these trainers for free.

No, I'm suggesting that if people actually want a WORKING TRAINER that was properly tested before being released to the masses, then that is where they should go. Since apparently MAF knew about all these issues and instead of fixing them simply decided to log off and get to it whenever. I personally don't care if anyone buys a CH subscription, I was merely offering an alternative. If you would rather get something that destroys your game just because it's free, then more power to you bro. It certainly personifies the mindset of many of the users here. Next time you go to wal-mart, you should ask for directions to the free, non-working stuff isle. Or maybe the supermarket where you can get the free expired food that gives you food poisoning. I mean, it's better than actually paying for something that works, right?

Shut the f**k up pookeyboy.
You wine like an over-priveledged 15 year old douche.

If you don't like the trainer; eat a dick, stop being a troll and piss off.

How about you speak for yourself dickweed? I had 13 hours invested in my game and this trainer ruined it. After similar problems with the This War of Mine trainer, I definitely won't be using any trainers from here again. I'd rather pay DVT, CH or anyone else than have to deal with this kind of bullshit. You can delete, ban or whatever this account. Thanks for all the wonderful freebies.

/extremely pissed off

It doesn't "Destroy" my game, it's still playable, unless the trainer did ****** my game which causing unplayable then i agree. It's just that the bugged saved with the error trainer and so we are forced to play from start, from my point of view, this kind of shit happen even without using trainer, think of it as save file corrupted. Beside, MAF is fixing it, if he didn't, yes i might be right behind you right now. Aslong as MAF did not abandone this, then it is not something to make a fuss about. I just disapointed with CH, before they were Free they make it a subscription..that ridiculous for a trainer. Yes it's true CH trainer are functional, no issues what so ever, then again MAF is a human, everybody makes error, nobody is perfect. CH maybe have more people with them to get their Trainer goes pefectly ok, MAF prob work this alone.

Anyway, i suggest you should stop "Advert" CH in this community, it is a very rude. Everybody who trainer knows CH, so there's no point in advertising them here or even any other Trainer website. CH offer a good trainer with cost of Money, MAF offer a need fix Trainer that IS working for free. I rather stick with MAF. Trainer is not something that you should spend money on, different case in support the creation thou.

what's with the issult? what are you 12 years old? is this your first time having a problem with video games? well , this will be a good experience. It's free trainer, you should know the consecuences.

ok boys lets just calm down :). i guess lesson learned to back up your save files incase of any corruption to the original save file occur :) . we all know the consequences when using a trainer it may or may not cause issues to your game because a trainer modifies a game from its original content of how it was meant to be played :).


New Member
Jun 2, 2014
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Seriously why would i pay monthly or yearly for a trainer i need to download once. gtfo off this thread. MAF does this for free, no one is paying him. Yes he takes donations but that is optional, his trainers are FREE. i just spent 70 dollars on a game, don't want to spend 50 or something for a subscription for a trainer.

Ken Kaneki

Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
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NOTICE!: Save file is not actually corrupted! If you reload your game without the trainer, your game is back to normal! I confirmed this twice with 2 save files. Everything back to normal!


Jun 4, 2014
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I had the same problems, all can solve without starting over, just in Origin need to choose the "Repair game", thats worked for me.


New Member
Jun 2, 2014
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Realize that this is a brand new game that came out yesterday, he started working on it as soon as he downloaded it. Show some respect guys

Jay in DC

Master Donor
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
No, just another awesome bonus feature of untested MAF trainers. But at least the trainer's free, right?

Can't you just ban this dudes IP? It has been a LONG time since I heard such whining and butt-hurt.

PRO TIP pookeyboy-- FREE motherfucker. Do you speak it? You are entitled to approx. shit for free in life. Go get your CH on if you want to 'subscribe' to a trainer website. The grown ups here (not you) probably don't have enough time to play these games to warrant a subscription. So as others have said GTFO. You bring 0 percent value to this conversation.


Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
I've been reading mails from those ungrateful peeps on the quality of trainer from MAF and others. First, you must remember MAF is doing this for FREE. Donation to him is not necessary and he will
welcome any donations from you guys. His trainers are all top quality and reliable. Occasionally, there are duds and this happens from other trainer creators as well.

Gives this MAF a salute for all his hardwork.