hit ctrl + shift + C & type
motherlode : u get 50000$
freerealestate on : houses cost nothin
pls make Inf.Satisfaction Points & Inf Needs only
testingcheats true = hold shift and click on things to activate cheat menu
NOTE:the mailbox can do it world wide / household wide or when you click a sim for that one specific, except when the game loads like moving to a gym or your interactive work, then you have to reenter the cheat again. oh and you can dirty /clean different objects, like showers, toilets, oven and other things wich may get dirty (use as head can be funny too. to make your head normal again, just save and return to menu then reload and sell that thing you had as a head.
death.toggle (or toggle.death (?)) = noone can die from a burning oven or anyway else. dying by high age maybe excluded (not yet tested that long).
you can expand the lifespan in the option menu. or shorten it.
hope i could help you a bit.